Rockhampton funerals, viewings, flowers & memorial books

Funeral arrangement — Funeral arrangements in North Rockhampton, QLD

Choose Harts Family Funerals in Rockhampton, to take care of every aspect of the funeral. Our considerate funeral director and staff will discuss your wishes with you and ensure they are carried out in full.

Let us help you navigate the legal aspects related to the passing of your loved one. We will inform the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages on your behalf and request a copy of the Registered Death Certificate for you. Our funeral staff can also advise you on other legalities you need to action.

Our funeral director will help you organise the details of the funeral. There is much to consider, and we are here to assist you through your grief with practical, compassionate advice. We can help you choose between burial and cremation, whether to have a church, chapel or garden service when to hold the service, the type of coffin you'd like and a host of other decisions.

At Harts Family Funerals, we handle every detail on the day of the funeral. This is the point when all the decisions you have made are put into place and are attended to in a timely and dignified manner. During the service, we ensure you will not be distracted or have to worry about any of the details. Our staff are committed to providing our clients with the very best care and personal attention.

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